Waving goodbye to my 40s with a primrose yellow opera glove.

Friday, January 22, 2010

This Is A Blog About Getting Dressed

Where it is unlikely that you will read the following:

"I'll just cut off the bottom of this rare vintage dress and make it into a mini".

"Look at my lovely new shoes. Note the 5 inch heels".

"I'm looking for something to show off my cleavage/armpits/thighs/navel".

"LOGOS! Nice".

It is also unlikely that you will find head-to-toe photographs of me modeling stuff. I go to Wardrobe Remix and other Flickr places for that sort of thing and you can too. I enjoy looking at photographs and have discovered genuinely witty and interesting dressers out there (UPDATE 2011: not on Wardrobe Remix anymore) but just as I don't pause before eating to capture my artfully arranged dinner for posterity, I won't be interrupting the inventive and expletive-riddled process of clothing myself while purblind in the morning in order to snap pics.

If I find something that fits, flatters and doesn't cost a fortune, I'll write about it. Sartorial shopping frustrations will be deposited here and it will be a place to proclaim the talents of people making the world a little lovelier.


  1. I am given to understand that the Austin Neiman Marcus outlet is a source of wonderful bargains, should such things appeal.

  2. GSE - Needless Mark-up has given me nothing over the years, I tell you, nothing and wonderful bargains always appeal to me. I think it's because their clothes are styled for the downwardly spiraling celeb cast of reality tv shows.
    But I don't care. Because I'm so chuffed you are the first commenter. So there.

  3. Annie - I know! A clothes bog without pictures! Why I haven't made a fortune is a mystery to me.
    Btw, I still think about your 'total aubergine' dress.
